Friday, January 13, 2012

Modern Humanism

Modern  Humanism:
In modern period, humanism shifts from the earlier interpretation. Humanism has taken
 divers forms in modern period. In  this regard, H. M. Abrahams writes, “ in our time,
 ‘humanist’ often connotes a person who bases truth on human experience and bases
 values on human nature and culture, as distinct from people who regards religious
revelation as the guarantor of all truth and values”(83). The humanist outlook of
modern period differs from the ancient and medieval period. Science and its impact has
widely effected in the outlook of modern humanistic tradition. In modern period, the
idea of humanism is exercised in different field, like politics, literature, religion etc. In
modern period, Francis Bacon is recognized as a notable humanist. He declared that
 ‘knowledge is power’. He attacked against the scholasticism. He started to think from
 inductive method. Another recognized humanist in the beginning of modern period was
 Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679). He was a materialist, rationalist and empiricist. In David
Daiches’s words, “Hobbes broke completely with tradition and endeavored to work out
a new science of man by the application of natural reason to the understanding of
bodies”(496). He pointed out the necessity of civil state to maintain peace and order
among human being. In his views all men are equal both in term of body and mind. John
Locke was another distinguished humanist of the 18th century. He influenced the whole
thinking of the 18th century. He sought to free man from every form of absolute
arbitrary power. In the 19th century, great humanists appeared  in the field of politics as
well as literature. Marx ,Engels and Lenin are the great humanists of the modern period
 especially who belong to the west. They influenced to spread humanistic outlook in
both politics and literature. They have emphasized on  class struggle for the ultimate
 peace and harmony of the society. Apart from them, we find several great humanist
thinkers who have exercised the idea of humanism. The name of Martin Luther
 King(1929-1968) in America and Nelson Mandela(1918-) in South Africa are notable
 humanist who have fought against the racial discrimination. In the East , Mahatma
 Gandhi, Jawharlal Nehru and Mao-tse Tung are regarded as the great fighters of
 humanism. Mao-tse Tung belongs to the Marxist humanistic tradition. Gandhi and
 Nehru belong to the liberal democratic tradition of humanism. Gandhi and Nehru see
the  emancipation of human being in individual freedom, democracy and socialism
 through the way of peace and nonviolence. In the field of literature, the names of Leo
Tolstoy, Dickens,
Gorky in the west, and Rabindra Nath Tagor, Prem  Chand, Sarad Chandra and Mulk Raj
Anand in the East come to the humanists tradition of literature. In this way, humanism
in the 20th century has a widespread impact in different fields.   

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