Friday, January 13, 2012

Greek Humanism

Greek  Humanism:
The study of history shows that a systematic study of humanism as a movement started
 from ancient Greek  for about 6th century B.C. The first notable humanists in ancient
Greek civilization were Sophsists. They raised the voices against the religious authority
of Athenian. Sophists began to think from a rational ground. In the book Western
Civilization Marrin Perry et al. observes about the humanistic role played by sophists in
ancient Greek in these words, “the western humanistic traditions owes much to the
 sophists, who examined political and ethical problems. Cultivated the minds of their
students and invented formal secular education”(71). Perry further writes,  “Sophist
 asserted that slavery was based on force or chance, the people were neither slaves nor
master by nature, and they also held that all people were fundamentally alike “(71). So,
 sophists had played a signification role in starting the humanism tradition in ancient
Greek. Protagoras (481-411 B.C.) was another person , who is known as a notable
 humanist of ancient Greek. He challenged the traditional belief of Athenians. He boldly
declared that man is the measure of all things(Perry,71). Protagoras wanted to assert
 that good and evils, truth and falsehood, were the mater of individual judgment. He
 again proclaimed that there was no universal standards that apply to all people at all
time. Protagoras attacked the traditional religions and moral values of Athenian society.
Unfortunately he was banished and his works were burnt down. Another great
 humanist of Greek time was  Socrates (469-399 B.C.). He emphasized on self
knowledge. He believed that reason was the only proper guide to the most crucial
problem of human existence. He taught that rational inquiry was a priceless tool, which
allowed  to test opinion, weigh the merits of ideas and alter belief on the base of
knowledge. Perry mention, “Socrates wanted to subject all human belief and behavior
 to the clear light of reason, and , in this way to remove ethics from the realm of
 authority, tradition, dogma superstition and myth”(73). These are just a few examples
 of the western humanists of ancient period. Individual freedom and personal dignity
 were the fundamental question raised by the ancient Greek humanists. Not only in the
 western countries but also in the eastern, there were many humanists in ancient period
 . Gautam Buddha in Nepal (563-483 B.C.). Mahavir in India (500 B.C) and  Confucius in
 China were great championists of ancient humanism. Love  and compassion for Buddha,
 external world or matter for Mahavir and morals , man and state Confucius was the
main things in their humanism.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article!! People need to look at this!!!!
